I am a believer that color affects people's moods. Every color's capable
of paving its own self crafted pathway to appeal the eyes that
trespass. Especially Indian society has a deep rooted beliefs in this logic. We prefer light colors to please the eyes. Darker ones are often undermined too, BLACK in particular. But there are colors that stand brilliant at every single instance they show up in front of a cenacle. RED is one such leader. To many, red signifies danger, evil, anger, escorts, and more as you may presume.
But the studies delight us by saying something different.
RED intensifies our physical reactions
Seeing red causes people to react faster and more forcefully.
Our bodies react to red, a culturally ingrained signal of danger, as if
we've seen a threat, says study author Andrew Elliot of the University
of Rochester. The reaction doesn't last long, and people aren't even aware of it, but, the findings "may have applications for sporting and other activities
in which a brief burst of strength and speed is needed, such as
RED makes men more desirable to women
Men in red are "more attractive, more powerful and more sexually desirable to women," according to studies in the Journal of Experimental Psychology,
asked women to rate pictures of men framed by or wearing a variety of
colors. The women rated men in red "higher in status and more likely to
earn a better living." That perception, which may stem from the fact
that red pigmentation indicates male dominance in a number of animal
species, leads to the attraction. It is found that men also find women in red more attractive because the color suggests "sexual receptivity."
RED is the color of winners
The color red can
be intimidating — just ask Tiger Woods, who famously wears red on the
final day of golf tournaments. A
2005 study by British scientists found that athletes wearing red "have
an advantage over blue-suited competitors,".
"We find that wearing red is consistently associated with a higher
probability of winning," the researchers wrote in the journal Nature. Though subtle, it might factor in when evenly matched competitors face off.
A "redshirt" is a stock character in fiction who dies soon after being introduced in the flow of the movie. The term originates from the original Star Trek TV series, in which red-shirted security personnel frequently die during episodes. Such short characters having greater impact on the story are addressed to be redshirts.
The term "Redshirt" is also used to signify the delay or abandonment of athletic events in the US.
RED is a powerful way to catch the rare attentions around. Red signifies blood, therefore life. It stands for the 'Royale'. Walls painted in red makes people in the room work faster. Restaurants having red tints stimulates hunger, thereby profits the firm. Its a symbol of high energy and aggression. Today's world only needs people who can influence others. Scientifically or mentally, every proven fact has Red's back. So whenever in doubt, wear RED.
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